
Internships and Projects:

Unpaid internships are available at our museum and are open to graduate and undergraduate students of history, sociology, political science, education, and other applicable disciplines. We can offer the student an opportunity to learn first-hand the practice of museum science and material culture, curatorship and exhibit design, archival management, historic preservation, oral history, community history, heritage tourism, teaching practice, educational models, economic development, community development, and research methodology. Typically, an internship will involve both the student and his/her professor or advisor, working with the museum director, on formulating a basic plan of what the students intends to accomplish, such as a written docent manual or a processed archival collection. Some of the museum’s short- and long-term needs include artifact research, processing collections, database design, reference guides and finding aids, reformatting and preserving audiovisual media, lesson plans for primary and secondary schools, oral history and background research, economic and community planning, library management and on-line catalogues, preservation of artifacts and documents, exhibit design and construction, interior design, and architectural planning for completing our building. We have many opportunities and possibilities! Please download and complete the Volunteer Application and mail it to the museum at P.O. Box 3, San Marcos, Texas 78667

Download Volunteer Application